Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Stopping by...

Hello all,

Just wanted to "record" and "share" a bit of exciting news--I have completed two scrapbooking orders!!! I can also happily add that I can call these people "satisfied customers"!! It is a very small step on the path of my new adventure, aka my website and business--For the Love of Soaps, http://www.fortheloveofsoaps.com, but I am happy. I want to thank Tracy and Kelly for taking a chance and allowing me to share my passion--THANK YOU!

I am also excited about the fact that I have purchased a new scrapbooking tool and plan on purchasing another one (if Santa brings me some Michael's Craft cards!!) after the first of the year. Both tools give me the opportunity to try new ideas and create a much larger variety of designs with much less labor. Love technology!

The world of soaps is even pleasing me at the moment--something that I haven't been able t say for several months. My favorite acting duo, Kimberly McCullough and Jason Thompson, are being reunited--as acting partners and as a "couple" on the show! YIPPEE! I have missed their work together and their chemistry so much. I am a happy Scrubbie :)

What is happening with you? What is making you happy this holiday season? I hope you have found something that brings you laughter and smiles!

Robin :)

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